The buildings with fourhomes close off the residential area to the west. Thesehousesconsist of twostaggeredparallelpipedshapedvolumes and have a projectedroofwhichoverhangs the buildings, covers the stairwell and have a high impact roof garden. Externally, the houses are distinctive in the depth of the balconyrecesses (some screened by diagonallypositionedsteelrails), whilst on the inside the living rooms and master bedrooms are situatedfacing west, the bathroom and otherbedrooms face the east. Designedin 1951 by Nizzoli and Oliveri, thesetwo buildings provide a good example of the ongoing study into housing in Ivrea by the twoarchitects and whichresulted in the drawing up of a wide range of housing shapescontributing to makingthis city a laboratory of ideas and proposals.